Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Sport and Injury Laboratory Publications

Publications by Research Topic Area

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Quantitative Ultrasound


Crawford, S.K., Kliethermes, S.A., Heiderscheit, B.C., & Bashford, G.R. (2023). Influence of Ultrasound Machine Settings on Quantitative Measures Derived from Spatial Frequency Analysis of Muscle Tissue. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1), 664.


Crawford, S. K., Lee, K. S., Bashford, G. R., & Heiderscheit, B. C. (2021). Spatial-frequency Analysis of the Anatomical Differences in Hamstring Muscles: Ultrasonic Imaging, 43(2), 100–108.


Crawford, S. K., Lee, K. S., Bashford, G. R., & Heiderscheit, B. C. (2020). Intra-session and inter-rater reliability of spatial frequency analysis methods in skeletal muscle. PLoS ONE, 15(7), e0235924.

Muscle & Tendon Injury


Crawford, S. K., Wille, C. M., Stiffler-Joachim, M. R., Lee, K. S., & Heiderscheit, B. C. Ultrasound Shear Wave Speeds Reduced Following Hamstring Strain Injury at Time of Injury but Not After Returning to Sport. Insights into Imaging. (In Press). 


Crawford, S. K., Thelen, D., Yakey, J. M., Heiderscheit, B. C., Wilson, J. J., & Lee, K. S. (2022). Regional shear wave elastography of Achilles tendinopathy in symptomatic versus contralateral Achilles tendons. European Radiology, 1–10.


Crawford, S. K., Rudolph, A., Engel, A. J., Ransone, J. W., & Bashford, G. R. (2021). Novel Quantitative Ultrasonic Analysis of Patellar Tendon in Collegiate Athlete Following Bilateral Debridement: A Case Report. Journal of Athletic Training, 56(12), 1349–1354.

Crawford, S. K., Wille, C. M., Stiffler-Joachim, M. R., Lee, K. S., Bashford, G. R., & Heiderscheit, B. C. (2021). Spatial frequency analysis detects altered tissue organization following hamstring strain injury at time of injury but not return to sport. BMC Medical Imaging, 21(1), 190.

Athletic Performance


Crawford S.K., Hickey J., Vlisides J., Chambers J.S., Mosiman S.J., Heiderscheit, B.C. (2023). The Effects of Hip- vs. Knee-Dominant Hamstring Exercise on Biceps Femoris Morphology, Strength, and Sprint Performance: A Randomized Intervention Trial Protocol. BMC Sports Science, Medicine, and Rehabilitation, 15(1), 72.