Peter van Kan
Associate Professor
(608) 262-7423
251 Bardeen Medical Laboratories
1300 University Ave
Madison, WI 53706-1532
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The long-term objective of my research program has been, and is, to elucidateneural mechanisms that underlie control of limb movement. I am particularlyinterested in how the cerebellum, a major division of the central nervoussystem, contributes to the formulation of motor signals that command ourmusculoskeletal system. I study how cerebellar circuits, via their connectionswith descending motor pathways, contribute to the transformations of plans forvoluntary limb movements into muscle commands necessary for their execution.The work is directly relevant to both normal and pathological control ofmovement in humans.
- Post-doctoral training Neuroscience, Northwestern University, 1988
- PhD Physiology, University of California at Davis, 1984
- MS Physiology, University of California at Davis, 1980
- Kandidaats Biology/Chemistry, Nijmegen University, 1978
Select Publications
- Remsik, A. B., Gjini, K., WIlliams, L., Van Kan, P. L., Gloe, S., Bjorklund, E., Rivera, C. A., Romero, S., Young, B. M., Nair, V. A., Caldera, K. E., Williams, & Prabhakaran, V. (2021). Ipsilesional Mu Rhythm Desynchronization Correlates With Improvements in Affected Hand Grip Strength and Functional Connectivity in Sensorimotor Cortices Following BCI-FES Intervention for Upper Extremity in Stroke Survivors. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15(630)
- Remsik, A. B., Williams Jr, L., Gjini, K., Dodd, K., Thoma, J., Jacobson, T., Walczak, M., McMillan, M., Rajan, S., Young, B. M., Nigogosyan, Z., Advani, H., Mohanty, R., Tellapragada, N., Allen, J. D., Mazrooyisebdani, M., Walton, L. M., Van Kan, P. L. E., Kang, T. J., Sattin, J. A., Nair, V. A., Farrar-Edwards, D., Williams, J. C., & Prabhakaran, V. (2019). Ipsilesional Mu Rhythm Desynchronization and Changes in Motor Behavior Following Post Stroke BCI Intervention for Motor Rehabilitation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 53.
- Remsik, A. B., Dodd, K., Williams Jr, L., Thoma, J., Jacobson, T., Allen, J. D., Advani, H., Mohanty, R., McMillan, M., Rajan, S., Walczak, M., Young, B. M., Nigogosyan, Z., Rivera, C. A., Mazrooyisebdani, M., Tellapragada, N., Walton, L. M., Gjini, K., Van Kan, P. L. E., Kang, T. J., Sattin, J. A., Nair, V. A., Farrar-Edwards, D., Williams, J. C., & Prabhakaran, V. (2018). Behavioral Outcomes Following Brain-Computer Interface Intervention for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation in Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 752.
- Geed, S., McCurdy, M., & Van Kan, P. L. E. (2017). Neuronal correlates of functional coupling between reach- and grasp-related components of muscle activity. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 11(7), 1-18. Online Publication/Abstract.
- Geed, S., & Van Kan, P. L. E. (2016). Grasp-based functional coupling between reach- and grasp- related components of forelimb muscle activity. Robert L. Sainburg (Ed.), Journal of Motor Behavior, 1-17. Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, Taylor & Francis (Routledge) Online Publication/Abstract.
- Van Kan, P. L. E., & McCurdy, M. L. (2002). Contribution of primate magnocellular red nucleus neurons to timing of hand preshaping during reaching to grasp. J Neurophysiol, 87, 1473-1487.
- Van Kan, P. L. E., & McCurdy, M. L. (2001). Role of primate magnocellular red nucleus neurons in controlling hand preshaping during reaching to grasp. J Neurophysiol, 85, 1461-1478.
- Van Kan, P. L. E., Horn, K. M., & Gibson, A. R. (1994). The importance of hand use to discharge of interpositus neurones of the monkey. J Physiol (Lond), 480, 171-190.
- Van Kan, P. L. E., Gibson, A. R., & Houk, J. C. (1993). Movement-related inputs to intermediate cerebellum of the monkey. J Neurophsiol, 69, 74-94.
- Van Kan, P. L. E., Houk, J. C., & Gibson, A. R. (1993). Output organization of intermediate cerebellum of the monkey. J Neurophysiol, 69, 57-73.
Select Presentations
- Van Kan, P. L. E. (2010). . presented at the , P.R. China.
- Van Kan, P. L. E. (2010). . presented at the , P.R. China.
- Van Kan, P. L. E. (1992). Symposium: "Cerebellar Function during Eye and Limb Movements: Adaptation and Control". Symposium presented at the Neural Control of Movement Conference, Marco Island, FL.
Select Awards and Honors
- Excel Initiative, 2020
- Instructional Continuity Small Grant, 2020
- Sabbatical Leave w/ Educational Innovation Supplement, UW-Madison, (2013, 2014)
- Fulbright Hays Fellowship, (1978, 1979)