Dan Timm

Teaching Faculty III


(608) 262-7714

319 Service Memorial Institute

470 North Charter Street

Madison, WI 53706-1189

Timm, Daniel

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Instructor and advisor in the physical education teacher education program. Areas of speciality include socio-cultural aspects, cultural and diversity, and emergency care. Personal interests include history and walking.


  • EDD Teacher Leadership, Walden University, 2012

Select Publications

  • Timm, D. J. (2020). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: What Do I Do? Where Do I Start? Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 49(3), 10. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2020). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Reaching Obese and Homeless Students During Covid-19. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 49(2), 17. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter.
  • Timm, D. J. (2020). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Gender Diversity. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 49(1), 15. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2019). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Exploring Diversity and Culture II. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 48(3), 14. La crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2019). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Exploring Diversity and Culture. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 48(2), 15. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2019). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Getting to Know Others. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 48(1), 8. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2018). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Societal and Symbolic Curricula. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 47(3), 14. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2018). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Culturally Relevant Curricula. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 47(2), 8. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2018). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Building Cultural learning Communities III. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 47(1), 12. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.
  • Timm, D. J. (2017). Culturally Responsive Health and Physical Education: Building Cultural Learning Communities II. Nicole Popowich (Ed.), Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 46(3), 19. La Crosse, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Health and Physical Education.

Select Presentations

  • Timm, D. J. (2022, April). Cultural Self-Mapping: Who I Am Influences My Teaching. Oral Presentation presented at the Society of Health and Physical Educators National Convention and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Timm, D. J. (2021, May). Having Uncomfortable Conversations. Workshop presented at the Having Uncomfortable Conversations Workshop, McFarland, Wisconsin.
  • Timm, D. J. (2021, April). Building a Foundation for Uncomfortable Conversations. Workshop presented at the Building a Foundation for Uncomfortable Conversations Workshop, McFarland, Wisconsin.
  • Timm, D. J. (2021, March). Knowing Myself, Connecting With My Students. Workshop presented at the Knowing Myself, Connecting With My Students Workshop, Virginia.
  • Timm, D. J. (2021, February). Cultural Self-Mapping. Workshop presented at the Cultural Self-Mapping Workshop, McFarland, Wisconsin.
  • Timm, D. J. (2020, May). Connecting With Students With No or Limited Internet Service. Webinar presented at the Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Webinar, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Timm, D. J. (2020, March). Connecting Cultural Background to Holistic Professional Practice. Oral Presentation presented at the Health Occupations Students of America Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Timm, D. J., Woodson, S., Reilly, D., & Rohloff, H. (2019, October - 2019, October). Integrating Indigenous History, Culture, and Tribal Sovereignty into Teaching Physical Education. Poster presented at the Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
  • Anderson, C., Timm, D. J., & Reilly, D. (2019, July). Building Relationships on the Road to Student Success. Oral Presentation presented at the Best Practices in Health and Physical Education Academy, Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
  • Timm, D. J., & Kuhrasch, C. N. (2019, June). Culturally Responsive Classrooms. Workshop presented at the Culturally Responsive Classrooms/Social Emotional Learning Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Meritorious Service Award, Society of Health and Physical Education Midwest District, 2019
  • Advocacy Award, Wisconsin Health and Physical Education, 2018
  • Excellence in Diversity Award, UW-Madison School of Education, 2017
  • Presidential Citation, Society of Health and Physical Educators Midwest District, 2017
  • Invited Attendee, Chancellor's Office, (2015, 2016)
  • Honor Award, Wisconsin Health and Physical Education, 2015
  • Invited Speaker, Summit for Addressing Disproportionality, 2015
  • Featured Presentation, Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2015
  • Presidential Alumni Research Dissemination Award, Walden University, (2013, 2014)
  • Featured Speaker, Midwest District American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 2013