Aaron Stegner

Scientist II


(608) 262-1290

329A Service Memorial Institute

2000 Observatory Dr

Madison, WI 53706-1121

Stegner, Aaron

Select Publications

  • Ellingson, L. D., Shields, M. R., Stegner, A. J., & Cook, D. B. (2012). Physical activity, sustained sedentary behavior and pain modulation in women with fibromyalgia. Journal of Pain, 13(2), 195-206.

Select Presentations

  • Meyer, J. D., Light, A. R., Stegner, A. J., Shukla, S., & Cook, D. B. (2012, May). Gene Expression and Symptom Changes Following a Maximal Exercise Test in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Pain Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Meyer, J. D., Stegner, A. J., & Cook, D. B. (2011, June). Psychobiological Response To Exercise Differs Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) And CFS With Comorbid Fibromyalgia. presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver.
  • Shields, M., Ellingson, L. D., Stegner, A. J., & Cook, D. B. (2011, May). How does physical activity relate to cognitive pain modulation in women? presented at the Amreican Pain Society annual meeting, San Antonio.