David Bell
(608) 265-2891
323 Service Memorial Institute
2000 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Please visit our Lab Web Page https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g5Z8Ss0AAAAJ&hl=en
Dr. David Bell is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Kinesiology and Orthopedics and Rehabilitation at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. Bell earned his B.A. and Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his master’s degree from the University of Virginia. He teaches in the Athletic Training Program and serves as the director of the Wisconsin Injury in Sport Laboratory. His research focuses on identifying risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries with a special focus on sport specialization in children.
His work has been funded by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association, the American Medical Society of Sports Medicine, and the American College of Sports Medicine. He was named the 2017 New Investigator of the Year for the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research and Education Foundation. He was awarded the 2017 STOP Sports Injuries Award for best research paper on youth sports injury prevention at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (co-author). He authored the NATA official statement in support of sport specialization recommendations for adolescent and young athletes (2019). He was a guest editor for the Journal of Athletic Training’s Special Issue on Sport Specialization which was published in October of 2019. Recently, he was awarded a 2030 Impact Fellowship (5-year term) from the School of Education.
- PhD Interdisciplinary Program of Human Movement Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010
- M Ed Masters of Education, University of Virginia, 2002
- BA Exercise and Sports Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001
Select Creative Works
- Bell, David, (2014).
Select Media Contributions
- On Wisconsin Magazine, Give Them a Break. (2016). Media Link
Select Publications
- Bell, D. R., Snedden, T. R., Biese, K. M., Nelson, E. O., Watson, A. M., Brooks, M. A., McGuine, T. A., Brown, R. L., & Kliethermes (2021). Consensus Definition of Sport Specialization in Youth Athletes Using a Delphi Approach. Journal of Athletic Training
- Bell, D. R., Post, E. G., Trigsted, S. M., Schaefer, D. A., McGuine, T. A., & Brooks, A. M. Parents’ Awareness and Perceptions of Sport Specialization and Injury Prevention Recommendations. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(6), 539-543.
- Bell, D. R., DiStefano, L. J., Pandya, N. K., & McGuine, T. A. (2019). The Public Health Consequences of Sport Specialization. The Public Health Consequences of Sport Specialization, 54(10), 491-497.
- Post, Green, N. E., Schaefer, D. A., Trigsted, S. M., Brooks, A. M., McGuine, T. A., Watson, A. M., & Bell, D. R. (2018). Socioeconomic Status of Parents with Children Participating on Youth Club Sport Teams. Physical Therapy in Sport, 32, 126-132.
- Bell, D. R., Post, E. G., Biese, K. M., Bay, R. C., & Valovich McLeod, T. (2018). Sport Specialization and Risk of Overuse Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Pediatrics, 142(3)
- McGuine, Post, E. G., Trigsted, S. M., Brooks, A. M., & Bell A Prospective Study on the Impact of Sport Specialization on Lower Extremity Injury Rates in High School Athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(12), 2707-2712.
- Post, E. G., Trigsted, S. M., Riekena, J. W., Hetzel, S., McGuine, T. A., Brooks, M. A., & Bell, D. R. (2017). The Association of Sports Specialization and Training Volume with Injury History in Youth Athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(6), 1405-1412.
- Post, E. G., Bell, D. R., Trigsted, S. M., Brooks, A. M., & McGuine, T. A. (2017). The Association of Volume, Club Sports, and Specialization with Injury History in Youth Athletes. Sports Health, 9(6), 518-523.
- Bell, D., Pfeiffer, K. A., Cadmus-Bertram, L., Trigsted, S. M., Kelly, A., Post, E., Cook, D., Dunn, W., Hart, J., & Kuenze, C. (2017). Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Patients after ACL Reconstruction. American Journal of Sports Medicine
- Post, E., & Bell, D. (2017). The Association of Volume, Club Sports, and Specialization with Injury History in Youth Athletes. Pediatrics
Select Presentations
- Bell, D. (2016, November). Prevalence and Consequences of Early Sport Specialization Among Adolescent Athletes. presented at the Illinois Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, Lisle, IL.
- Bell, D. (2016, April). Prevalence and Consequences of Early Sport Specialization Among Adolescent Athletes. presented at the Michigan State University Visiting Scholar, East Lansing, MI.
Select Awards and Honors
- 2030 Impact Fellow, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, (2020, 2025)
- Nata Fellow, 2022
- 2019 Clint Thompson Award for Clinical Practice Advancement, Journal of Athletic Training, 2020
- National Achievement Award for Athletic Trainers, PRiSM Society, 2020
- Author, NATA Position Statement in Support of Sport Specialization Recommendations, 2019
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on Sport Specialization, Journal of Athletic Training, 2019
- NATA Representative, AMSSM Early Sport Specialization Summit, 2019
- Keynote Speaker: AMSSM Annual Meeting, NATA Exchange Lecture, 2018
- New Investigator Award, National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research & Education Foundation, 2017
- STOP Sports Injuries Award for best research paper on youth sports injury prevention, AOSSM, 2017